Thursday, May 6, 2010

Summer 2010: Brazil!

Thursday, May 6, 2010
My house, Clearwater, FL, USA

Hello everyone! So I realize that it's been almost a year since I've last posted, but I just wanted to let you all know that this summer, I will be in Brazil for two months and will resume my blog posts!

I know, I know, I never finished posting all my blogs from my two months traveling around after my study abroad program ended. I'm really bummed I never got them up, but I'm hoping this next month that I'm at home, I'll be able to at least summarize my travels through Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia.

It's hard to believe that I've been back in the United States for 10 months. I remember when I was going through orientation before leaving for South America and they talked about the reverse culture shock that you would feel upon returning to the U.S - that was definitely something that I experienced. Over time, I've more or less adjusted back to life here, but I think studying abroad is one of those experiences that will always change you permanently.

Either way, I'm excited to head back to South America and begin my blog again for this summer! Oh, and for those who don't know, Brazil speaks Portuguese, not Spanish (since that's who colonized the country). So, I began studying Portuguese at my university this past August and I've gotten to a pretty good level already, thanks to several accelerated courses and lots of practice. Knowing Spanish has helped me pick it up a lot faster but sometimes I mix the two up in a odd Portuguish hybrid that confuses everyone but me. It's weird to think that a year ago I didn't even know how to say hello or thank you when I went to the Brazilian side of Iguazu Falls (see previous post).

So, you are probably still wondering why I'm going down and what I'll be doing down there. Well, I officially booked my ticket today (!) to leave June 7th for Rio de Janeiro with a friend from school. We will be backpacking together throughout Brazil for three weeks until heading back to Rio. I'll then stay six weeks in "A Cidade Maravilhosa" (the Marvelous City, nickname for Rio de Janeiro) for a study abroad program through the University of Florida. The language and culture program ends August 7th and I'm headed back to the U.S. the following day. And that sums it up!

I can't wait to develop fluency in Portuguese, experience a whole new culture, travel around and have crazy adventures, and meet lots of new people. Only a month away! Now that the plane's booked, I've got to get my visa and read up on all the awesome places I want to go. :)

Look for my updates!