Thursday, January 22, 2009

On my way!

29 January 2009
6:15 PM (18:15) Houston Time

Houston International Airport

Well, I'm currently waiting out my five hour layover in Houston before my flight leaves for Buenos Aires at 9 pm. My flight from Tampa was fine, although it finally hit me that I was leaving and I went through five minutes of "Ohmygoshwhatamidoing icantdothis" in my head as I said goodbye to my parents and headed to the terminal. Luckily, the internal hyperventilation has dulled to a decent adrenaline rush. It's not even so much the fact that I will be living for five months on a continent that I have never been to and where I don't know anyone, but that I'll be speaking in another language...ahh!

On a side note, I almost lost my passport on the plane when a bunch of papers fell out of my bag during landing…luckily the person in the seat in front of me noticed it... I can't even imagine if she hadn't!

I also have to take a moment to give myself props for an amazing packing job. I fit all my clothes and everything into one- count it ONE- suitcase for five months. And it came to 49.5 pounds at the airport, exactly half a pound under the weight limit. I think I’ll pat myself on the back for that one.

Well, I'm off to go grab some good 'ole American fast food as a final farewell to the United States!

One Week Away!

It's officially one week until I leave for Argentina! I'm starting to get more excited/nervous!

I'm very excited that I recently received my very stylish ISA t-shirt and host family information!

There are a total of fifteen student in my program from all over the country (I'm the only one from Florida) and we will all be taking our classes together so they will be really small and personal.

Both my host families sound great!

My family in Buenos Aires include two kids my age and I'll be living in the Belgrano neighborhood, which is where my school is located. Apparently its a really nice area great for students with lots of parks, musuems, restaurants, and a great night life. The house that I'm staying in sounds wonderful as well, I'll even have my own bedroom and bathroom!

In Lima, I will be living with a woman in a quiet neighboorhood in a great location and a big house. And it's only a 15 minute walk to campus!

I can't believe that I will soon be living in another country! It totally hit me today that I'll be speaking in Spanish all the time = major butterflies!

I feel like I have to much to do and I don't even know where to start. I fly out tomorrow to Miami, where I'll be staying for a few day until Tuesday night, giving me a day to pack for four months! I guess I'll figure it all out by the time I leave Thursday afternoon...just throw in some clothes and my computer, right? Speaking of my new computer, I'm so excited because it only weighs 3 pounds and is perfect for traveling!

On a side note: GO GATORS!!!! It was so exciting being up in Gainesville in the O'Dome to watch the National Championship game with 10,000 other people. I showed up early to the girl's basketball game beforehand and was able to get first and second row seats! I even caught #44's signed basketball and was on ABC news for a good twenty seconds, not to mention my friends and I were on the jumbotran a bunch of times. After an intense game, we all ran out on to University Ave (I had on a BEAT Oklahoma t-shirt turned superman cape!) and it was insanely packed with crazy people! Definitely a night full of memories. It's great to be a Florida Gator! :)

iSola una semana! (Only one week!) Coli