Thursday, January 22, 2009

On my way!

29 January 2009
6:15 PM (18:15) Houston Time

Houston International Airport

Well, I'm currently waiting out my five hour layover in Houston before my flight leaves for Buenos Aires at 9 pm. My flight from Tampa was fine, although it finally hit me that I was leaving and I went through five minutes of "Ohmygoshwhatamidoing icantdothis" in my head as I said goodbye to my parents and headed to the terminal. Luckily, the internal hyperventilation has dulled to a decent adrenaline rush. It's not even so much the fact that I will be living for five months on a continent that I have never been to and where I don't know anyone, but that I'll be speaking in another language...ahh!

On a side note, I almost lost my passport on the plane when a bunch of papers fell out of my bag during landing…luckily the person in the seat in front of me noticed it... I can't even imagine if she hadn't!

I also have to take a moment to give myself props for an amazing packing job. I fit all my clothes and everything into one- count it ONE- suitcase for five months. And it came to 49.5 pounds at the airport, exactly half a pound under the weight limit. I think I’ll pat myself on the back for that one.

Well, I'm off to go grab some good 'ole American fast food as a final farewell to the United States!


  1. 49.5 lbs huh...not surprised, Coli to perfection as always:)You know it wasn't just so happened someone found your passport. I was the first one to see when the passport fell, so I called the lady from Boca Raton Fl to let you aware that you dropped your passport ahhh...I got your back Coli:)

  2. OMG! i am so amazed at your packing abilities but you are a robot so i guess it just goes with out saying that you are amazing.

    don't get too excited though, with all the souvenirs you will be getting me i am sure that you won't make the weight requirement coming back.

    but honestly don't feel like you have to get me anything. just awesome stories!
