Monday, June 29, 2009

News Broadcast from Ecuador

Monday, June 29, 2009 6:14 PM
Internet Cafe in Lumbisi, Ecuador

I know it´s been awhile since I've updated, so I just wanted to jot a quick entry to let everyone know what I've been up to the past month or so...

After the end of my program and two weeks of traveling through Peru and Ecuador (more detailed entries to come soon, promise), I started my Volunteer's for Peace program in a indigenous community called Lumbisi. It's about a 40 minute taxi ride outside Quito (the capital of Ecuador) and has a population of "about 800 families". I ended up loving the experience here so much that when my program ended the 21st, I had no desire to leave and decided to stay for another week and a half. Sadly, I leave in a day or two, but I'll be traveling for about two more weeks through Colombia and possibly Venezuela - my plans change every five minutes, but that's part of the excitment, I guess. Then it's back to the States (boo plane ticket prices but yay to see everyone...counting down the days to the Hannon Family reunion Mimi :)

Since I'm in such a small community, finding internet can be quite the adventure, hence the delay in updates. Hopefully when traveling I'll have more access and can give you all the juicy details of my life in Ecuador.

Hasta entonces, mucho amor de Coli!
Until then, much love from me!

1 comment:

  1. awww sounds fun! Wow, that's kinda scary just going through out South America all on your own, not knowing you're going tomorrow...

    Then again, I like to over think and plan trips (doing research, pricing etc) because A) I'm a bit of an escapist and I imagine traveling the world...while I'm really...well, doing less pleasurable things and B) Japan is THAT expensive that I WILL have to plan that stuff out

    but wow that's exciting! How many South American countries will you have gone to? And you went to Columbia before right? With the illegal border hopping?

    And did you fly to South America 1 way? or did you get flexible tickets? and how does one DO that?!
